


ice [ais]      n. 冰,冰塊    v. 冰鎮(zhèn)

break the ice        打破僵局

ice age             []冰河時代, 冰川期

ice crystal           冰晶

ice water           (用作飲料的)冰水

e.g.ice is water in a solid state. 固體狀態(tài)


idea [ai'diə]  n. 想法(thought),主意(opinion, plan),概念(concept, conception, notion

have no idea of ...        ...一點兒也不知道

force ones ideas on sb.    迫使某人接受自己的意見

e.g. you have no idea how worried i was.


impact ['impækt]     n.影響(effect, influence),碰撞(hit, bump)

have an impact on...       ...有影響

e.g. she had no impact on her advice.


imply [im'plai]   vt. 暗示(hint, suggest)

e.g. his silence沉默 implied agreement.


importance [im'pɔ:təns]  n. 重要()(significance),重大

attach importance to ...     重視...

e.g. quality質(zhì)量 is of first importance.

important [im'pɔ:tənt]  adj  1重要的,重大的,2有權(quán)力的,有地位的


impression [im'preʃən]   n. 印象(effect, influence, impact)

e.g. what's your impression on him?


improve [im'pru:v] v. 改善(amend, polish up, enhance, make better),改進(jìn)(get better, develop, progress)

improve on/upon...           ...加以改進(jìn)

improve price               提高價格

improve the opportunity       利用[抓住]機會

e.g. we'll try our best盡最大努力 to improve.

improvement[im'pru:vmənt]   n. 改進(jìn), 進(jìn)步(advance, progress, development)

make improvement in...       ...方面取得進(jìn)步

e.g. there is need for improvement in your handwriting.書法


incident ['insidənt]  n. 事件(affair, event, matter, occurrence, accident)

e.g. this incident set me thinking.


include [in'klu:d]   vt.包括(comprise, involve),包含(contain, cover)

e.g. please include me in the list.名單


income ['in,kʌm]    n. 收入,收益(earnings)

income tax      n. 所得稅

e.g. he needs a high income to support 支持such a large family.


increase [in'kri:s]   v.增加(add to, enhance, gain),加大    n. 增加,增大

on the increase         正在增加

an increase in ...        ...方面增加

e.g. divorce離婚 is on the increase.


independence[,indi'pendəns]    n. 獨立, 自主

independence day      美國獨立日(7月4)

e.g. their independence was a sham.[ʃæm] 欺騙

independent [,indi'pendənt]   adj. 獨立自主的,不依賴...

be independent of...     ...無關(guān),不依賴...

an independent country  獨立國

e.g. she is so independent that she refused all pecuniary金錢上 aid.


index ['indeks]    n.1 索引2(p1.)指數(shù),3標(biāo)志(sign, symbol),指標(biāo)   v ---編進(jìn)索引

index of crime              []罪案指數(shù)

index finger                食指

e.g.the book is not well indexed.



india ['indiə]    n. 印度

indian ['indiən]      n. /adj. 印度 (),印度人(),印地安人 ()

indian ocean 印度洋


indicate ['indikeit]  vt.1 指出(point out, show, reveal, display)2表明,3顯示(convey, express, mean) 4(用手勢,燈光等)指示

e.g. don't forget to indicate before turning.轉(zhuǎn)彎


individual [,indi'vidjuəl]    n. 個人,個體    adj.個人的(personal, private),獨特的(characteristic, different, distinct, particular, special, unique)

e.g. she has her own individual way of walking.


industry ['indəstri]   n. 工業(yè),產(chǎn)業(yè)

the advertising industry      廣告業(yè)

the heavy industry          重工業(yè)

the tourist industry          旅游業(yè)

the information industry      信息產(chǎn)業(yè)

the insurance industry        保險業(yè)

e.g. the tourist trade旅游業(yè) has become a real industry.


infect [in'fekt]  vt. [醫(yī)]傳染(contaminate),感染(affect, influence, touch, inspire)使受影響

be infected with...        v. 感染...,傳染上...

e.g. your cold will infect other people.


influence ['influəns]  n. 影響(infection, effect, impact),感化,權(quán)勢,感應(yīng) vt. 影響(affect )

have an influence/effect/ impact on...          ...有影響

come under the influence of...                開始受...的影響

a man of influence                         有勢力的人

e.g. he is a man of some influence in the government circles.政界


inform [in'fɔ:m]   v. 通知(notify),告訴(tell), 告發(fā)(accuse, report),檢舉

be informed of...              聽說...,接到關(guān)于...的通知

keep ...informed             被通知,讓----知道

inform against...              檢舉,告發(fā)...

e.g. please inform me of the result.結(jié)果


information[,infə'meiʃən]   n.消息(message, news, word),情報,資料(data)通知

a piece of information        一條消息

information age             信息化時代

e.g.do you share分享 this information?


inject[in'dʒekt]    vt. 注射,注入, 引入(introduce, initiate)

inject... into...                ...注入...

inject ...with...                ...注入...

e.g. we hope to inject new life into our work.


两当县| 金堂县| 平阳县| 凤山县| 汨罗市| 威远县| 嘉祥县| 余姚市| 家居| 卢氏县| 西和县| 万州区| 葵青区| 顺义区| 盐城市| 萨嘎县| 延庆县| 汝城县| 西昌市| 楚雄市| 黔西| 五台县| 赞皇县| 永宁县| 会理县| 安化县| 霍邱县| 石景山区| 玛沁县| 罗甸县| 宁都县| 离岛区| 驻马店市| 滕州市| 肥西县| 禄劝| 娄底市| 迁西县| 柳河县| 沭阳县| 龙泉市|