

fill [fil]       vt. 裝滿,填(寫)write

fill ...with...                        使...充滿...

fill out/up a form                   填表

fill in...                             填寫...,  替代...

e.g. george is the best(最好的) person to fill this vacancy(空缺).


find [faind]     vt.found, found, finding 找到, 發(fā)現(xiàn)discover

find out...                             發(fā)現(xiàn)..., 查明(真相等)

e.g. i find russian grammar語法 very difficult困難的.


finding ['faindiŋ]    n. 發(fā)現(xiàn)(discovery),(pl.)調(diào)查/研究的結(jié)果

e.g. the research(研究) findings will be published(公布)next week.


finish ['finiʃ]     vt.完成accomplish, complete, fulfill, 結(jié)束end n. 最后階段, 完成

e.g. i have finished cleaning使清潔 the room房間.


fire ['faiə]      n. , 火災(zāi)射擊   vt. 點燃, 放槍, <>解雇(dismiss),著火

catch fire                             著火

be on fire                             起火, 正興奮著

make a fire                            生火

set fire to...                            點燃...

e.g. according to 根據(jù)the law of labour勞動法, bosses老板 can't fire workers at will 任意地any longer不再.


fix  [fiks]   vt.   固定install, fit, 修理repair, mend, 安排arrange, 注目

fix up                                 安排,修理, 解決

e.g. i asked(要求) the boy to fix the bicycle(自行車).


flood [flʌd]    n. 洪水,水災(zāi) v. 淹沒,大量涌到

flood in...                         大量地涌到...涌入

flood... with...                      使...充滿

e.g. there was a flood of complaints(抱怨) from the press(報紙上的報道) about him.


flow  [fləu]   vi. (液體)流動,飄動wave n. 水流current, stream  氣流, 流量

flow away                           流走

flow into...                         流入...

e.g. her tears眼淚 flowed fast很快地 at the bad懷的 news消息.



fly [flai]      vi. flew, flown, flyin乘飛機, 飛越, 使飄揚n. 蒼蠅

fly a kite                          放風(fēng)箏

fly disease                        蠅疾病

fly high                           有雄心大志, 情緒高漲

e.g. housework家務(wù) keeps mother on the fly忙碌 all day.


focus ['fəukəs]      n. (興趣活動等的)中心center       v. 聚焦concentrate

focus... on/upon...                   把(精力/注意力)集中在

e.g. you must try to focus your mind思想) on work工作 and study學(xué)習(xí).


follow ['fɔləu]    vt. 跟隨chase, go after, pursue,理解understand, comprehend, catch on,遵循comply with, keep to, obey, observe,從事,注視

as follows                              如下

e.g. the children followed their mother into the room房間.


force [fɔ:s]   n. 力量power, strength,武力violence   (pl.)軍隊army, troop vt. 強迫compel

force sb  to do sth.                     迫使某人做...

put sth into force                      使...生效

come into force                        生效,實施

e.g. the thief小偷 took拿走 the money from the old man by force用暴力.


forget [fə'get]     vt.forgot, forgotten, forgetting  忘記,忽略ignore, overlook neglect

forget to do sth.                  忘記了要做...

forget doing sth.                  忘記曾經(jīng)做過...

e.g.she forgot to post郵寄 the letter.




form [fɔ:m]   n. 形狀shape, 類型type,表格 v. 形成, 構(gòu)成constitute

in form                               形式上

fill in/out a form                    填表格

take the form of...                   采取...的形式,表現(xiàn)為...的形式

e.g.the footballer's been out of form(運動員)身體不適, 競技狀態(tài)不佳).


found [faund]   v. founded, founded, founding建立,創(chuàng)辦establish, 奠定...的基礎(chǔ)base

found a hospital                        創(chuàng)辦一所醫(yī)院

e.g. this firm(公司) was founded in 1724.

foundation  [faun'deiʃən]    n.  基礎(chǔ)base,基金 ()

foundation school            靠捐助基金所維持的學(xué)校

foundation stone              (特指建筑物等開工典禮上放置的)基石

e.g.he laid鋪設(shè) the foundations 奠定基礎(chǔ)of his success成功by study and hard辛苦的 work.


friend [frend]      n. 朋友友人companion

close friends                      密友, 知己

make friends with...                ...交友

make friends again                   言歸于好

e.g.the dog is a faithful忠實的 friend of man人類.


friendship ['frendʃip]     n. 友誼友好(companionship, fellowship)

e.g.true真正的 friendship is worth有價值的more than money.


frighten ['fraitn]     vt. 使驚嚇scare, take...aback

frighten sb/ sth away/off                 把某人嚇走

e.g.you'll find that these girls aren’t easily frightened now.


front [frʌnt]    n. 前面,正面 adj. 前面的

in front of...                 ...前面當(dāng)...

in the front of...               ...的前部

e.g.the teacher called the boy to the front.


fuel [fjuəl]    n. 燃料vt. 加燃料,推動drive, promote

fuel gas                         燃氣

fuel oil                         燃料油

add fuel to the fire               火上加油

e.g.gas and coal are fuels.


fun [fʌn]       n. 娛樂,樂趣delight, joy,有趣的人或事物

for fun                       開玩笑, 為了好玩

make fun of...                取笑...

e.g.he doesn't just write寫,寫作 for fun; in fact, writing is his bread and butter(生計).


function ['fʌŋkʃən]      n.功能, 作用work vi. (機器等)運行,發(fā)揮...作用work, operate

e.g.he is studying(研究) the function of the heart.


fund [fʌnd]       n. 資金capital,基金,(pl.存款deposit

a relief fund                       救濟金

a reserve fund                    公積金

e.g.the project項目 was given up for lack of 缺少funds.


future ['fju:tʃə]     n. 未來將來,前途,期貨交易adj. 未來的

in the future                           未來 將來

in future                                今后, 從今以后

future generations                      n. 后代

e.g.our future seems very uncertain不缺定的.


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