


face   [feis]  n   表情expression 正面

            v 面對(duì),面臨be confronted with  承認(rèn)  朝 ,向

  face to face                   面對(duì)面地

  in the face of                  不顧,面對(duì)

  make a face at                 ―――做鬼臉

  save one’s face                挽回面子

  face up to                     大膽面對(duì)

e.g. we should keep cool in the face of danger.


fact  [fækt]   n 事實(shí)  reality   實(shí)情   真相 truth

  as a matter of fact                             事實(shí)上,實(shí)際上

  in fact                                         事實(shí)上,其實(shí)

e.g. he doesn't mind. in fact, he is even pleased.


factor    ['fæktə]   n 因素  元素  element

 a factor in                                           影響―――的因素

e.g. luck was a factor in his success.


faculty ['fækəlti]  n. 能力ability, capability, competence, capacity


the faculty of memory                   記憶力

faculty members                         大學(xué)教學(xué)人員

e.g. this boy has a faculty of making friends交朋友 easily..容易地


fail [feil]  v. 失敗be defeated,沒有做到, 使失望disappoint,(使)不及格

fail to do sth.                           沒有...

fail in an examination               沒通過考試

e.g. he failedin his examination.


failure ['feiljə]   n. 失敗defeat ,失靈breakdown, collapse , 失敗者loser

end in failure = meet with failure       終歸失敗

water/power failure                  停水/停電

heart failure                         心力衰竭

e.g. failure is the mother of success(成功).


fall [fɔ:l]   vi.   fell, fallen, falling  倒下collapse,落下drop, 進(jìn)入(某種狀態(tài))


fall down                     倒下

fall behind in...              ...方面落后

fall into...                  落入..., 陷于(混亂,錯(cuò)誤等),分成...

fall asleep                   墜入夢(mèng)鄉(xiāng)

fall ill                      病倒

fall into debt                  負(fù)債

fall back                     后退, 退卻

fall back on...                 依靠, 求助于...

fall in love with...              愛上...

e.g. he fell into the lake.


fashion ['fæʃən]     n.風(fēng)尚,風(fēng)格style, manner

be out of fashion                       不流行

be in fashion                           流行

e.g. loose寬松的 trousers褲子 are the latest最新的 fashion.



fault [fɔ:lt]    n. 過錯(cuò),缺點(diǎn)defect, mistake,故障breakdown, failure

find fault in...                     找出...的毛病

find fault with...                   挑剔, 對(duì)...吹毛求疵

e.g. the fault lies with在于me, not with you."


favor ['feivə]     n. 贊賞 ,偏愛preference,恩惠 vt.支持support, 有利于facilitate, 偏愛,贊同agree with, approve of

be in favor of...                       贊成,支持

do sb a favor                     幫某人一個(gè)忙

e.g. i am in favor of stopping停止 work now.


fear [fiə]   v. 害怕be afraid/scared,為...擔(dān)心worry    n. 害怕

for fear of doing ...                  生怕..., 以免...

for fear that...                       生怕..., 以免...

e.g. there is no medicine for fear.


feel [fi:l]      vt.felt ,felt,feeling  touch, 感覺, 覺得, 認(rèn)為,以為consider

feel at home                          感覺自在

feel like...                             摸上去如同..., 想要...

e.g. i felt the branch樹枝 touch接觸 my face.


feeling ['fi:liŋ]      n. 感情emotion,觸覺, 感覺sense

mixed feelings                        歡樂與恐懼參半

e.g. i have a feeling he'll come.


fellow ['feləu]        n. 家伙guy,小伙子, 同伴,同事colleague adj. 同伴的

fellow students                       同學(xué)

fellow traveller                        旅伴

e.g. he was cut off切斷,失去聯(lián)系from his fellows.


fever ['fi:və]      n. 發(fā)燒,發(fā)熱,狂熱 vt. 使發(fā)燒, 使發(fā)狂

have a fever                           發(fā)燒

have a high fever                      發(fā)高燒

e.g. he is in a fever在發(fā)燒.


field  [fi:ld] n.領(lǐng)域area, range, scope,運(yùn)動(dòng)場(chǎng)playground, (一塊)田地

an oil field                            油田

field research                         現(xiàn)場(chǎng)調(diào)查研究

e.g. he is doing field research on people’s attitude towards 對(duì)...的態(tài)度aids(艾滋病).


fight [fait]        n./vi.(fought, fought, fighting) 打架, 戰(zhàn)斗

fight against...                     對(duì)抗...

fight for...                          ...而戰(zhàn)

e.g. people often have to 不得不fight for ...而戰(zhàn)their liberty自由.


figure ['figə]     n. 外形,體形shape, form,  數(shù)字number  vt.演算,認(rèn)為  believe,think


figure out= work out                計(jì)算出..., 領(lǐng)會(huì)到...

e.g. i figure the manager經(jīng)理 will be back 返回soon很快.


年辖:市辖区| 汶川县| 西盟| 卢龙县| 南靖县| 揭西县| 德兴市| 苍南县| 遵义市| 三原县| 湖南省| 左云县| 贡嘎县| 广饶县| 丹棱县| 介休市| 永丰县| 乌鲁木齐县| 泰顺县| 宁陵县| 太仆寺旗| 双牌县| 榕江县| 乌鲁木齐县| 敖汉旗| 当雄县| 大新县| 商城县| 定南县| 邳州市| 宜兰市| 荥经县| 阳春市| 安平县| 治多县| 武平县| 旬阳县| 将乐县| 古丈县| 澄城县| 延川县|