

devote  [di'vəut] v―――奉獻(xiàn)給,致力于  dedicate . consecrate ['kɔnsi,kreit]

  devote ---to ----                       致力于,獻(xiàn)身于,專心于

e.g.    please devote more time to your work.


die   [dai]   v   1死,死亡   perish  ,pass away      2 枯萎  fade

 die  down   漸弱   平息   枯萎

 die  off      (植物)相繼枯死,       (聲音)漸漸消失

 die  out    消失         不復(fù)存在

e.g.   many old customs風(fēng)俗習(xí)俗 are dying out.


differ    [ 'difə ]    v 不同    不一致   disagree 

  differ from       ―――不同      ―――意見不一致

  differ with sb  about/on sth    和某人在某方面意見不同

e.g.   i differ with him on the plan.

difference  ['difərəns] n差異 差別 contrast distinction   不合,分歧  disagreement

  make a difference       有影響,很重要

  difference   in             ――――方面不同

  difference from             ――――的不同

different ['difrənt]      adj      不同的     各種的

  be different from                     ――――不同

  be different in                         ―――方面不同


difficult    ['difikəlt]   adj   困難的  hard  tough   難以應(yīng)付的 ,難滿足的

difficulty   ['difikəlti]   n  困難  hardship   trouble  難事    困境

be in difficulty      有困without difficulty      容易地  毫不費(fèi)力的

e.g. the exam was pretty difficult.       i have difficulty with maths.



dig  [diɡ]   v 1 挖,掘   2 探究       dug   ,dug 或者digged  ,digging

dig into   研究

dig out   挖出,查出(事實(shí))

dig up       1 開墾(荒地等)   2查出,發(fā)現(xiàn)

eg , they dug up many old coins.


direct    [di'rekt ]v  1 針對(duì),把―――對(duì)準(zhǔn)    常與at ,against ,to 連用

                       2 指示,指引

                       3 導(dǎo)演,指揮

adj/adv    直接的(地)     直率的(地)   

direct--- at /against ----                        ―――對(duì)準(zhǔn)――

direct ----to -----                               把(注意力精力)貫注在―――

direction    [di'rekʃən]   n  1方向 orientation [,ɔ:rien'teiʃən]

2 指導(dǎo) guidance  instruction  指揮,管理      pl    用法說明 

in  all  direction     各個(gè)方面

directly    [di'rektli]    adv  直接地   straight , at first hand    

立即   immediately at once ,  right away

e.g.  the general將軍 directed that the prisoners should be set free.

      i'll be there directly.                                     

it only moves移動(dòng) in one direction.


disagree  [,disə'gri:]   v  不一致,不適宜   differ

  disagree with sb                     和某人意見不一致

  disagree with sb -----on/about              和某人在某方面意見不一致

e.g.  i disagree with you on this point.


disappear  [,disə'piə]     v 1  消失 不見  die away      fade away    消亡,失蹤

  e.g.  i hope my difficulties will soon disappear.



disaster   [di'zɑ:stə]    n    災(zāi)難    accident   tragedy

e.g.    they had led the country into economic disaster.


discover   [dis'kʌvə]發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)覺,看出;找出,找到  find    observe    see


e.g.   we will see what we can discover.

discovery     [dis'kʌvəri] n    發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)現(xiàn)物


discuss   [di'skʌs]   v   1討論;談?wù)摮3Ecabout , with 連用;商議,商討;議論;辯論: argue   debate  dispute 


discuss sth with sb                   和某人討論―――――

e.g.  she said she had an important matter to discuss with me.

      the doctor discussed different approaches to the treatment of cancer.


disease  [di'zi:z]    n   疾病   弊病  illness   sickness

   catch   a disease         患病

e.g.  a cold is a widespread流行的 disease.


dismiss   [dis'mis]    v  解雇  fire   send—away   discard    解散,開除

   dismiss ab from his post     撤銷某人的職務(wù)

e.g.  if you are late again, you will be dismissed.


display   [dis'plei]  v  陳列  展覽    show   exhibit    n   陳列,展覽

  on display     在展覽中

e.g.  his paintings are on display at the exhibition. [,eksi'biʃən]展覽會(huì)


dispute  [dis'pju:t]   v/n 爭論,辯論   quarrel   debate  discuss 

  in dispute with          ---爭論,與----有爭議

e.g. workers勞方 are in dispute with management資方 about the redundancies. 裁員


distinct   [dis'tiŋkt]    adj    清楚的 clear  explicit   obvious 

截然不同的  different   獨(dú)特的  unique  special

  be distinct in---from----      在某方面與----不同

e.g.  there is a distinct smell of oranges桔子味道this room!

distinction  [di'stiŋkʃən] n   區(qū)別  差別  辨別

make a distinction between     對(duì)---加以區(qū)別     without distinction   無差別的


distinguish  [di'stiŋgwiʃ]   v  區(qū)別 辨別   discriminate [dis'krimineit]  differentiate [,difə'renʃieit]   顯出特色

distinguish---from---  ------區(qū)分開      distinguish between---and---- 區(qū)分------

distinguish oneself  in ---          ----方面突出

e.g.  she was distinguished from the other girls by her height 身高

 distinguished  [di'stiŋgwiʃt] adj  杰出的,著名的   famous


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