
behavior   [ bi'heiviə ]   n 1行為,表現(xiàn)  conduct ,performance

                            2 (機(jī)器等)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)    operation

e.g. i could not bear that behavior.


belief  [ bi'li:f ]  n 1相信trust2信念faith   信仰

have a strong belief in sth              虔誠(chéng)地信仰―――

beyond belief                          令人難以置信

e.g. he has lost his belief 失去信仰in god.


believe   [ bi'li:v ]  v  1相信 trust, rely on2信任,3認(rèn)為 suppose

believe sb                                  信任某人

believe in                                   信仰,信任,對(duì)----有信心

e.g.  we believe in his ability.


belong  [ bi'lɔŋ ] v 屬于,歸類于 常與 to 連用

belong to                        屬于―――

e.g. that dictionary(字典) belongs to me.


benefit   [ 'benifit ] n 利益,好處  good thing, help    pl. 表示救濟(jì)金

                  v 有益于,有組于,常與from ,by 連用

for one’s benefit                          為了某人的利益

benefit from                               受益于

e.g.  what can i benefit from it?


birth  [ bə:θ ]   n  1出生,誕生delivery    2出身background   3起源beginning

give birth to 生育,產(chǎn)生        at birth 在出生時(shí)         by birth 生來(lái) 天生的

e.g.   she gave birth to a fine healthy baby.


bit   [ bit ]   n 一點(diǎn),少許,小塊   

a bit of  一點(diǎn)兒的,                      bit by bit   一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)地,漸漸地

e.g. you've caught a bit of a cold.  有點(diǎn)感冒


blame  [ bleim ] n 1責(zé)備complaint,2過(guò)錯(cuò),責(zé)任  v 1責(zé)怪 criticize ,2---歸咎于

blame sb for sth                           因?yàn)槟呈露?zé)備某人

blame sth on /to sth                       ---怪到---頭上

be to blame                                應(yīng)受譴責(zé)

e.g. either he is to blame or i am.  不是他該受責(zé)備就是我該受責(zé)備。




block [ blɔk ]  n 1大塊(石料,木料,冰等)piece  2街區(qū),3障礙物  arrier

                v 妨礙   阻塞   prevent

  block off      封鎖                  block up     堵塞,

e.g.  the road was blocked by a huge rock.(大石頭)


boring [ 'bɔ:riŋ ]  adj  令人煩惱的,單調(diào)沉悶的,dull   uninteresting  unexciting

e.g. it is boring to listen to the same story.


borrow [ 'bɔrəu ]  v  借,借入    borrow----from /of  sb  向某人借

e.g.  may i borrow the pen from you? 


bother [ 'bɔðə ]  v 打擾  煩擾 disturb ,trouble   n 麻煩difficulty ,討厭的人/

bother with ……而費(fèi)心   don't bother 不用這么麻煩!   bother about 煩惱

e.g. don't bother about meeting me.


brain  [ brein ]  n   大腦 智慧 pl.  智力

brain wave  腦電波        brain death 腦死亡  

brain cell 腦細(xì)胞         rack one’s brains   絞盡腦汁

e.g.  i advise you have a brain scan.(掃描)


branch  [ brɑ:ntʃ ]  n  (學(xué)科)分科,分支分別   department   division

a branch of knowledge      學(xué)科

e.g.  he cut away (剪斷)the dead branch.

break  [ breik ]  v  broke   broken  breaking

1打破    break a record ,中斷 中止

                 2違法(法律規(guī)定等) break the law

              n   中斷,間歇

break away from 脫離----放棄-----   break away from the old traditional ideas

break down (機(jī)器)損壞,故障 倒塌 (精神)崩潰,    a nervous break down

break in(to)  闖入 強(qiáng)行進(jìn)入 打斷  插嘴 

break off     中止,中斷

break out ==erupt  發(fā)生 爆發(fā)    the war broke out after a long period of peace.(長(zhǎng)期和平)

break  through  突破

break up        打碎  分裂 結(jié)束

have a break    休息

e.g.  there is a break during the performance(演出) for the audience(觀眾) to take a rest.

breakfast  [ 'brekfəst ]  n  早飯     have /eat breakfast   吃早飯

breakthough [ 'breikθru: ] n 突破


breath  [ breθ ] n 1呼吸,氣息  2 一口氣,一瞬間

catch one’s breath                喘過(guò)氣來(lái)

hold one’s breath                屏住呼吸

out of breath                    上氣不接下氣

e.g.  i was out of breath after running for the bus.


bring  [ briŋ ]  v brought ,brought ,bringing 拿來(lái),帶來(lái),產(chǎn)生,引起

bring about   引起 帶來(lái) 產(chǎn)生                   

bring forward     提出(建議,結(jié)論,觀點(diǎn)等)   

bring up  撫養(yǎng),教育

bring out    出版,生產(chǎn)           

bring to 使恢復(fù)知覺

bring on 引起,導(dǎo)致,使前進(jìn)

e.g.  i forget to bring my umbrella.(雨傘)


build  [ bild ]  v  built , built ,building 建造,建筑,增大,增強(qiáng)

   build up  ----develop/grow/increase/rise逐步建立 逐步加強(qiáng)      

  build on/upon    ---建立于 以---為基礎(chǔ)     build of     ---建造  

e.g.  that house is built of bricks.

building [ 'bildiŋ ]   n 建筑物


burn [ bə:n ]   v  burnt/burned   burnt/burned  burning  燃燒,燒傷

               n  燒傷,灼傷

burn out  燒壞,燒光    burn up   燒起來(lái),燒完  

burn---to ashes    化為灰燼       burn oneself out    精疲力竭

e.g.  i feel i hardly (幾乎不)burn out today.


busy  [ 'bizi ]  adj   1忙碌的,2熱鬧的 3(電話)占線

 be busy with (about ,in)          忙著做---

 be busy (in ) doing sth           忙著做---

 keep sb busy                    使某人忙碌

e.g. he is busy with research work. 研究工作


but [ bʌt ]  prep  除,去,conj 但是,可是,而   adv 幾乎 僅僅

 but for   要不是     not only ---but also ----    不但---而且----

not ----but ---       不是---而是-----      all but  幾乎,除了,差不多

can not but (do )     不得不---    不得不----

e.g. we can't but face the reality.現(xiàn)實(shí)


buy [ bai ]  v bought  bought  buying  購(gòu)買  交易  purchase

e.g. money can't buy happiness.


by [ bai ] prep 1  靠近,在----一邊    a house by a river

                2 不遲于               be back by ten o’clock.

                3 經(jīng)--- 取道,     they went by the church.

                4 通過(guò)---(方式,手段)達(dá)到 they arrived by air.

                5 根據(jù),按照            to go by the book

                6 由,被                i know her by chance.

     by + air ,sea ,plane ,bus ,   -----

     by and by       漸漸地,不久

沭阳县| 泽普县| 新余市| 洛扎县| 萍乡市| 通河县| 沈阳市| 峨山| 礼泉县| 兴安县| 中阳县| 阳春市| 镇安县| 浑源县| 合肥市| 安陆市| 陕西省| 汪清县| 沂源县| 壤塘县| 礼泉县| 开远市| 青海省| 正镶白旗| 汤阴县| 灵宝市| 岢岚县| 南投市| 田东县| 东阳市| 宽甸| 赤壁市| 吴江市| 景宁| 临海市| 五家渠市| 安义县| 轮台县| 鄂托克前旗| 琼海市| 合川市|